There has never been a time like we are going through now in history! Not only are we dealing with a very lethal virus, but we have had our basic economy shut down for over a month, and it looks like it can be much longer. Stress weakens your immune system faster than anything else. Many are unemployed and fearful about loss in many different ways and most times, warranted. I look around at an otherwise normal town and see loss, fear and emptiness. Our children are home and frustrated. Many of my fellow New Yorkers do not know if their business or jobs will be there upon returning to them. Our health has literally been under a microscope. We are hearing things like...no prom this year, no regents exams this year, pajamas all day, who has toilet paper left? It’s a whole new world in a matter of weeks! I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t even know what day today is! Crazy, maybe, but what an opportunity to prioritize your life. Do you realize that there have been multiple generations that have never had the opportunity to “pause” long enough to make intentional change happen for themselves? Right now we can flip the switch on our lives and no matter your situation it would not seem crazy!! Have you decided how you want to live the rest of your life yet? Realistically? I count this time a blessing in so many ways. Of course, I am horrified by the situation and the loss of so many lives, but while staying in place, not by choice, I feel my obedience to the recommendations given us has given me a gift. A gift of retrospect to all of my intentions in the past and insight for the future. Aside of my personal safety and the safety of my loved ones, I now have a deeper concern for society. I started my company with the intention of helping those with autoimmune issues like me. Now my vision is to provide that immune boosting lifestyle to all! To think that my limited mind couldn’t see the fact that we ALL need to better our immune systems as much as we can, especially now, faced with the monster of Covid 19, blows my mind! We all need to find ways to help ourselves make the best possible choices for well being. When you know something, you are responsible for it. I don’t know everything, but I know that Only the Best Products are safe for everyone with no harsh or toxic chemicals and are 100% sourced and made in the USA. I hope that you can change even one thing to better your immune system during this time. We will get through this together. You deserve Only the Best!
PS- If you are looking to change your financial path to include working from home, please reach out to me- I have a few opportunities that can really work for you!